Love, Laughs, and Cockroach Names: The Most Fun Valentine’s Day Promos of the Year
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and while classic roses and chocolates are always a hit, some brands are taking a more playful approach to the holiday. From heart-shaped pizzas to the chance to name a cockroach after an ex, these quirky promotions add a little humor and creativity
Dog Blog 62.0 – TikTok is Changing Advertising
TikTok is a video-focused social media platform that continues to grow. The platform has over 1 billion users and is available in over 150 countries, making it the fastest growing social media platform of all time. A common misconception many people have about the platform is that it is only for
Dog Blog 60.0 – Marketing to Millennials, a Miniseries: Part 2
In our last issue, we covered some of the primary reasons marketers make millennials their top priority. Whether you’ve decided to make the millennial bracket your focus or not, we invite you to look at focusing your marketing efforts on “the people of today” – rather than a group
Dog Blog 58.0 – Video Marketing Essentials
Maybe your business hasn’t jumped on the video marketing bandwagon yet, but we guarantee you’ve at least experienced video marketing over the past few years. Video marketing (or VM as we will refer to it in this article) is everywhere – whether you’re actively searching for it or
Dog Blog 55.0 – Marketing to Millennials – A Miniseries
Over the past few years, you’ve probably noticed how there’s a LOT of emphasis placed on marketing to millennials. Why does it seem as though this is the only demographic that matters? Do all of your efforts need to be placed on pleasing the 23-38 age group? The “marketing
Dog Blog 51.0 – Meet Their Expectations with Customer Experience
As a marketer, you probably live by this mantra: happy customers remain loyal! You are constantly keeping tabs on your target demographic, you have established your connections, and you make sure they’re satisfied with your product or service. If you check all those boxes, you can almost guarantee
Dog Blog 47.0 – Are You Under the Influence?
Have you ever scrolled through your Instagram and noticed that some of the accounts you follow are suddenly talking non-stop about brands like smartwater, Sperry shoes, and H&M? This is an example of influencer marketing (IM)! You’ve probably heard of IM before, but you might not be aware
Dog Blog 46.0 – Website Woes…and How to Fix Them!
These days, the BYOW (Build Your Own Website) method is becoming increasingly popular. It’s cheap, it’s fairly simple, and it gets the job done…or so you thought! There are so many factors that go into building a successful website, and we are here to tell you that this is
Dog Blog 45.0 – Believe in the Blog
Blogs have been around awhile now (since approximately 1994, when they were called “weblogs”). Sure, they might be seen as “old fashioned,” and they do maintain a certain notoriety for being abandoned shortly after their initiation. Some people say they’re irrelevant. Some say the market is oversaturated
Dog Blog 38.0 – Social Media – Networking that Works
We will come right out and say it – we’re not big fans of networking events Unless it features an interesting speaker or the opportunity to learn something new, a networking event usually means there’s a bunch of strangers crowded into a room eating bland appetizers and making stilted conversations.